Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Random Collaboration of Things

I'm just going to dive right in: have you ever wanted something so much, yet did not know if you should have it, or if you knew that you should, how to even go about attaining it? I certainly have. Sometimes it seems like the thing which we want the most is often that which brings us the greatest sorrow or pain. Pain isn't always a bad thing; it can shape us and define us to become more than we currently are. On the other hand, however, it can cut us to the wick and destroy us, body and soul. Pain is a cruel master, so I strive to find the good in a situation. It's easy to look at something and see only the negative aspects. It is much harder to look and see the sacrifice behind an action or to see the love behind a choice. Sometimes what is best for us is what hurts the most. We can't run from the pain; we can't shirk it, hoping that it will go away. Pain is real. Pain is deep. It is a teacher, but we can choose to live without it mastering us. I have known so many people who have felt pain and lived as though their life where over - it was because they let it be. I have also met people who have let the pain teach them and then have moved on. They don't abide in the pain because they choose to move past it. Often, this means forgiveness. To the saying, "I'm sorry", we often reply, "It's okay." That has got to be the most messed us statement in history. You are seriously telling them that the pain that they caused you is excuseable and OKAY. Do you really think that it is okay for someone to hurt you? Responding this way is like offering them the option to do it again! I find this really bizarre. A much better respone is "I forgive you." These words are not often spoken in our life today, because we choose to live in bitterness. By saying "I forgive you", you are not saying that the action was right, but are saying that you recognize that Jesus has already died for the action that they did wrongly. It is choosing to live in freedom. Don't place blame on others, because it will hurt you both. Forgive when it would be easier to walk away. Deal with the issues that you would rather push behind you into a corner and ignore forever. If you do this, then you will be able to live life much more fully. I want that for each and every one of you. Now, onto a lighter topic: the promised wedding pictures! I don't have very many pictures, there wasn't time to take them; but here are what I have.
We had fabulous rooms at the Homewood Suites. I would recommend this hotel to anyone!
They are about to cut the cake!
I love it when couples feed each other the cake and don't smash it in each other's face. =)
Here was my dress for the evening. I decided to go classic in black.
My sister did a fabulous job on my hair. I loved the way that it turned out!
Well, there you have it: my "insightful" post and the wedding pictures that you all requested. I hope that you enjoyed the pictures, although few! Blessings, Hannah


  1. Hannah,

    Excellent pictures. For some reason I have always loved pictures of hotels. Thanks for sharing. Also, I agree with you about not smashing cake in each other's faces. If my husband did that, I would punch him! And, you are very beautiful. Love the dress.


    1. Esther,

      Thank you! Hotel pictures are a lot of fun. =) I'm not sure if I would punch him or not, but I certainly would not be happy. I mean, pretty much the biggest day of my life and you think that it is fun to smear cake on my face? Oh, thanks! =) Actually, the dress was quite comfortable (thank goodness!), but my shoes were not - so I didn't wear them most of the night. =)


  2. Excellent post, Hannah!
    Thanks for posting those pictures, they are quite. You look great in that dress, I like your hair too!


    1. Zach,

      Thank you! "Quite" what, if I may ask? I actually found the hairstyle online (don't tell anyone =)), and had my sister try it out - needless to say, I found it to be perfect for the wedding!

